Category Archives: Random Thoughts

The Boredroom

Times like these

I imagine

My ancestors cold

Huddled around a fire

Planning their hunt for food; Life

A simple Mission Statement

Only the one goal

Only the hunt

No Bullshit

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9 Great Movies…(That Never Hit the Spotlight)

Last summer I took the time to make a list of my “Top 100 Movies of All Time.”

It was a pretty subjective list (as all Top “whatever” lists inevitably are) but I was pretty satisfied with it at the time.

But times change, new movies come out, and old ones are bumped off the list (not easily, of course, but it happens). So, I’m not as happy with it now…so I’m not going to post it…yet.

What really shocked me when I went the list was how many of my top movies were “Blockbusters” that would make any list. I am more than a little frustrated about this result.

You see, while I know that Saving Private Ryan, The Blues Brothers and Fight Club are great movies (Numbers 1,2 & 3 respectively), I also like to think that I have some unique insights into films or at least a unique taste.

Who knows, maybe I don’t, but to make myself feel better I’ve weeded the list into a few amazing movies that somehow managed to avoid the popular spotlight.
So here they are:

My Top 9 Great Obscure Movies

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Filed under Big Posts, Lists, Movies!, Random Thoughts

Achieve Your Goals…Or At Least Get Closer [Life Hacking 101]

In the end, it is attention to detail that makes all the difference. It’s the center fielder’s extra two steps to the left, the salesman’s memory for names, the lover’s phone call, the soldier’s clean weapon. It is the thing that separates the winners from the losers, the men from the boys and, very often, the living from the dead.
– David Noonan

You can’t become a new person over night. You don’t win a war in one battle. It is slow consistent change and little choices that get you there; it’s continental drift.

Anyone can say I want to do [Insert Your Goal Here]. Everyone has goals for themselves. Where you see success is in how you approach fulfilling those goals.

He who can take no interest in what is small will take false interest in what is great.
– John Ruskin

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Filed under Little Life Lessons, Random Thoughts, Work!